Vigilance Department of Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd, Ranchi has conducted various activities during Vigilance Awareness week 2019 from 28.10.19 to 02.11.19 within the organisation and outside the organisation.
Activities were conducted in outside Schools and Colleges as well as Company Wellness Centre, Training Institute and School. Major activities conducted were Essay competition and debate copetition.
Employees including officers and workmen took pledge in their respective units. Vendors and contractors also took pledge.
Banners with different slogans were displaced at every unit of the company and at prime locations. During inaugural function Directors garlanded the portrait of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel and flowers were offered to the portrait of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel by the Senior executives.
Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competition during Valedictory function by CVO and Directors on 01.11.2019.
Schools and Colleges who took active participation in making Vigilance activities in creating awareness to the students were also facilitated by CVO during Valedictory function on 01.11.2019.
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