
Records 361 to 380 of 597
Enquiry No
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Corrigendum 1
Corrigendum 2
HMB/SMD/RC-North Karanpura/20-21/OPEN-558 Dt.16.07 Transportation for north karanpura 07/16/2020 08/03/2020 nit-north_karanpura.pdf nit-north_karanpura.corrigendum.pdf
HMB-SS-VEHICLE-7223 DTD 09-07-2020 NIT for hiring of four wheel vehicle/bolero for SAS of DL at Amlohri NCL 07/09/2020 07/31/2020 nit(4).pdf vehicle_nit_corrigendum_amlohri.pdf NIT Corrigendum
PUR/HMB/20/968520/IS-6075 dt.20.07.2020 Procurement of ISMB500,ISMB450 & ISMB200 07/20/2020 07/30/2020 nit6075.pdf
HMB-SS-VEHICLE-7223 DTD 09-07-2020 NIT for hiring of four wheel vehicle/bolero for SAS of DL at Amlohri NCL for 12 months. 07/09/2020 07/25/2020 nit(3).pdf NIT uploaded for hiring of vehicle, please follow the NIT
HMBP/PUR/20/184745/TL-6067 Magnetic Base Core Drilling Machine 07/08/2020 07/24/2020 nit..pdf E tender
HMBP/PUR/20/200509/OP-6066 procurement of paint and thinner 07/06/2020 07/22/2020 tendernotice_1(1).pdf E tender
ACD/HMB/20/SF/2130/OTE-6062 dtd 02.07.20 Procurement of 80 T Hook & Hook Nut 07/02/2020 07/21/2020 nit2130.pdf TENDERS THROUGH etender.gov.in is acceptable only.Tender closing dt is 21.07.20 & opening 22.07.20
HMB/CM/20/01 dtd 06.07.2020 Contract for cutting of wild vegetation ,Trimming of tree branches, to maintain sanitation and hyg 07/06/2020 07/20/2020 nit_cutting.pdf Under Works Contract
HMB/CMTU(CPL)/RT-21 dtd 11.05.20 Engagement of Third Party for carrying out Radiographic Inspection of Production items at HEC Ranchi 05/12/2020 07/20/2020 c0_60.pdf Tender has been extended upto 20.07.20 till 1 PM
ACD/HMB/20/SC/2127/OTE-6038 dtd 15.06.2020 Supply of Steel Casting tems as per HEC Drawing and NIT. through E tendering 06/15/2020 07/20/2020 nit2127.pdf Tender closing date extended upto 20/07/2020 upto1PM & Tender Opening Date 22.07.20 at 3PM
FF/CC/658/Gas Plant/ESP/20-60 Capital, preventive and running maintenance of ESPs alongwith its operational activities in Gas Plat 06/20/2020 07/20/2020 running_maintenance_of_esp-_new.pdf TOD is 20.07.2020
HEC-CM-2020-EOI-3000 DTD 29-05-2020 Notice Inviting expression of Interest for Globally acclaimed Companies. 05/29/2020 07/18/2020 eoi-3000_dtd_29.05.2020.pdf corrigendum_1.pdf corrigendum_2.pdf Extension of EOI
PUR/HMB/20/968509/IS-6069 dt.10.07.2020 Procurement of Round 07/10/2020 07/18/2020 nit_6069.pdf
HTP/PUR/172769/LC100/SPARE/0401/AS/20-007 SUPPLY OF SEMICONDUCTOR FUSE, MPCB ETC. 07/02/2020 07/17/2020 enq007.pdf
FF/CC/Gas Plant/Producer Cleaning/20-57 Cleaning of roofing/jamming producers, clinkers charging inside the Producer in Gas Plant FFP 06/17/2020 07/16/2020 producer_cleaning_in_gas_plant(1).pdf TOD is 16/07/2020
HTP/PUR/190950/LW140N/AKS/20-006 SUPPLY OF HYDRAULIC POWER PACK 06/25/2020 07/14/2020 enq006.pdf cenq006.pdf c2enq006.pdf DUE DATE EXTENDED UPTO 14.08.20
FF/CC/CMG/Underground water pipeline/20-61 Repair of underground (process/drinking) water pipe line & valves in FFP 06/24/2020 07/09/2020 repair_of_underground_water_pipe_line_and_valves_in_ffp.pdf TOD is 09.07.2020
HTP/PUR/172768/LC100/SPARE/0401/AS/20-004 SUPPLY OF DRIVE PACKAGE 06/15/2020 06/30/2020 enq004.pdf
ACD/HMB/20/SF/2129/OTE-6023 dtd 22.05.2020 Procurement of Machined Forged Blank of Main Shaft 05/22/2020 06/27/2020 nit2129.pdf extension_3.pdf Extension of Tender ,Closing date 27/06/20 upto 1 PM & Opening Date 29.06.20 upto 3 PM
FF/CC/TSD/AMC&calibration of testing machine/20-39 AMC and Calibration of Testing Machines of Mechanical Laboratory, CMTU, 104 Bldg./FFP 02/07/2020 06/24/2020 amc_and_calibration_of_testing_machines_of_mechanical_laboratory_in_ffp.pdf first_time_extn_for_amc_and_calibration_of_testing_machine_of_mechanical_laboratory_104_bldg_ffp.pdf third_time_extn_for_amc_and_calibration_of_testing_machine_of_mechanical_laboratory_104_bldg_ffp(1). TOD has been extended upto 24.06.2020