
Records 201 to 220 of 665
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Corrigendum 1
Corrigendum 2
FF/CC/09-Shop/1000 KW Motor/22-144 Repairing of 1000KW, 6600 V, Slip-ring Induction Motor of Accumulator Station in 03 Shop FFP 06/15/2022 08/23/2022 Repairing of 1000 KW slipring induction motor in 03 shop FFP.pdf First Time extn for Repairing of 1000 KW motor in 03 shop FFP.pdf Third Time extn for Repairing of 1000 KW motor in 03 shop FFP.pdf TOD has been extended upto 23.08.2022
PUR/HMB/22/322527/MW-6349 dtd 01.08.2022 Supply of Drag Chain 08/01/2022 08/23/2022 NIT(10).pdf tender will be considered only through e tenders.gov.in
PUR/HMB/21/963176/BG – 6348 Supply of bearings 07/30/2022 08/23/2022 tender(1).pdf
HEC/HQRS/CIE/CRA3/2022- 226 Capacity Re-Assessment Study for all Plants of Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited, Ranchi 06/15/2022 08/22/2022 NITcapacityreassessment-15-06.pdf TOD has been extended upto 22.08.2022
PUR/HMB/22/171266/WL-6346 dt. 27.07.22 Procurement of Buffer Layer Electrode 07/27/2022 08/17/2022 NIT6346.pdf
PUR/HMB/20/963161/BG – 6342 Supply of bearings 07/22/2022 08/16/2022 OTEtender.pdf
HMB/PUR/22/964505/GS-6350dated:04.08.2022 Rate contract for supply, maintenance and installation of liquid oxygen tankers for two year in HEC. 08/04/2022 08/16/2022 NIT(11).pdf
PUR/HMBP/962062/EL-6344 Procurement of Trailing Cable 07/23/2022 08/13/2022 trailingcable.pdf Offer should be submitted through "etenders.gov.in" tender id is 2022_HEC_123423_1
HMB/SMD/RC/22-23/OPEN-577 ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTATION 08/11/2022 08/13/2022 Dateextension.pdf Dateextension(1).pdf All bidders are requested to submit your offer before 12.08.22 , 1.00 PM. As this is the last Extens
PUR/HMB/22/968523/WR-6336 Dated: 18.07.2022 Procurement of Wire Rope 07/18/2022 08/09/2022 NIT(7).pdf
PUR/HMB/22/968535/WR-6337 Dated: 18.07.2022 Procurement of Suspension Rope 07/18/2022 08/09/2022 NIT(8).pdf
HEC/PROJ/PUR/MADHUBAND-148 supply of H T Fuses for 5.0 MTPA Madhuband NLW Coal Washery Project of BCCL 07/30/2022 08/06/2022 NIT148.pdf For any details, extensions,corrigendums , please visit only at www.etenders.gov.in
HMB/SMD/RC/22-23/OPEN-577 ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTATION 07/15/2022 08/04/2022 ARCNIT.pdf transport.pdf Please submit the offers before due date. This is the final extension.
HMBP/PUR/2021/962050/EL-B- 6339 Supply of cables through e- tender mode 07/19/2022 08/03/2022 NIT(9).pdf Offer should be submitted through "etenders.gov.in" tender id is 2022_HEC_122857_1_1
HMBP/PUR/2019/962046/EL-A- 6335 Procurement of cable as per NIT (authorized dealer of preferred make can also participate in tende 07/16/2022 08/02/2022 NITPDF962046.pdf
PUR/HMB/22/171261/WL-6333 dt. 16.07.22 Procurement of Buffer Layer Electrode 07/16/2022 08/01/2022 Open Tender for Buffer layer electrode.pdf
PUR/HMB/22/171262/WL-6334 dt. 16.07.22 Procurement of High Tensile Electrode 07/16/2022 08/01/2022 Open tender for High Tensile Electrode.pdf
PUR/HMB/22/171260/WL-6332 dt. 16.07.22 Procurement of Hard Facing Electrode 07/16/2022 08/01/2022 Open tender for Hardfacing Electrode.pdf
GEM/2022/B/2370077 Dated: 21-07-2022 SKIRT BOARD SIDE SEALING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYORS (Q3) 07/21/2022 08/01/2022 GEMNITSKIRT.pdf For any details, extensions,corrigendums , please visit only at www.gem.gov.in
PUR/HMB/22/968541-6341 Procurement of Round 07/21/2022 07/28/2022 NIT6341.pdf