
Records 1 to 20 of 665
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FF/CC/Inst/Impulse Pipeline/2025-196Dtd 03.03.2025 Regular cleaning of impulse Pipe line for different Shop & gas Plant in FFP 03/03/2025 04/03/2025 IMPULSE.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH E-TENDER IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/GP/Phenolic water /25-195Dtd 03.03.25 Cleaning, collection & transportation of phenolic water from different points of pipeline & 03/03/2025 04/03/2025 phenolic(1).pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH E-TENDER IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
GEM/2025/B/6014302 Procurement of Iron Casting Items as per HEC Drawings 03/03/2025 04/01/2025 GeM-Bidding-7595641 (3).pdf Submit Quotation through GeM Portal, Extended TOD is 01.04.25
GEM/2025/B/6066614 dtd:18.03.2025 PROCUREMENT OF ROUND 03/18/2025 03/28/2025 NITROUND(1).pdf Kindly quote in Gem Portal
GEM/2025/B/6044874 Deployment of Manpower in HMTP 03/11/2025 03/26/2025 GeM-Bidding-7630977 (1).pdf Submit Quotation through GeM Portal
Tender ID 2025_HEC_227159_1 ANNUAL RATE CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTATION 02/18/2025 03/21/2025 Bid.pdf Submit Quotation through https://etenders.gov.in
GEM/2025/B/6035601 dtd:07.03.2025 PROCUREMENT OF Pipe 03/07/2025 03/17/2025 NITPIPE.pdf Kindly quote in Gem Portal
GEM/2025/B/6027613 Supply of Planetary Gear Box 03/06/2025 03/17/2025 GeM-Bidding-7610804 (2).pdf
GEM/2025/B/6019831 Supply of Hydraulic Oil, VG 32, VG 46 and VG 68 03/04/2025 03/14/2025 nit(11).pdf
GEM/2025/B/6002452 dtd: 27.02.2025 Deployment of Manpower in SFW Shop HMBP 02/27/2025 03/14/2025 NITALL (1).pdf Kindly quote in Gem Portal
FF/CC/PA/02/25-95Dtd 12.02.2025 GEM/2025/B/5993023 Deployment of manpower in 02-Maint. shop/ FFP/HEC 02/25/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-02Maint.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/PA/06/25-96Dtd 12.02.2025 GEM/2025/B/5997551 Deployment of manpower in 06-07 shop/ FFP/HEC 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-0607shop.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/PA/GP/25-100 Dtd 14.02.25 GEM/2025/B/5997697 Deployment of manpower in Gas plat/ FFP/HEC 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-GP.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
GEM/2025/B/5998300 Deployment of Manpower in 020 Shop HMBP 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-7577305 (0).pdf
FF/CC/PA/02/25-98Dtd 12.02.2025 GEM/2025/B/5992944 Deployment of manpower in 02-Moulding shop/ FFP/HEC 02/25/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-02Mould.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/PA/05/25-98Dtd 06.02.2025 GEM/2025/B/5995504 Deployment of manpower in 05 shop/ FFP/HEC 02/25/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-05 Shop.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/PA/03/2025-87Dtd 06.02.25(GEM/2025/B/5997625 Deployment of manpower in 03 shop/ FFP/HEC 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-0308shop.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
FF/CC/PA/ser./25-112Dt 19.02.25 GEM/2025/B/5997749 Deployment of manpower in different shop/departments of FFP/HEC 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding- Services.pdf TENDERS TRHOUGH GEM IS ACCEPTABLE ONLY.
GEM/2025/B/5997519 Manpower Hiring (Minimum Wages) for 010 shop of HMBP 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-7576451.pdf
GEM/2025/B/5998138 Deployment of Manpower in 030,050 shop & Tool Deptt/HMBP 02/26/2025 03/13/2025 GeM-Bidding-7577126 (1).pdf Submit Quotation through GeM Portal