
Records 161 to 180 of 665
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Corrigendum 1
Corrigendum 2
GEM/2023/B/3124068 Motor Protection Relay (MPR) L&T MAKE for Madhuband Washery project Site 02/13/2023 03/06/2023 GeM-Bidding-4417372.pdf For any details,notices, corrigendum etc please refer www.gem.gov.in
FF/CC/CMG/Rectification of windows/22-157 Rectification of windows in Oxygen Plant FFP 10/22/2022 02/14/2023 Rectification of windows in oxygen plant FFP.pdf Rectification of windows in oxygen plant FFP(1).pdf thirdextrectificationwindow.pdf TOD is EXTENDED UPTO 14.02.2023
FF/CC/Gas Plant/Coal breaking/22-158 Sized coal preparation by manual breaking and through coal crusher in Gas Plant FFP subject to avail 11/11/2022 02/14/2023 Coal breaking in Gas Plant-21-10.pdf First Time extn for Sized coal prepration by manual breaking.pdf coal breaking ext.pdf TOD has been extended upto 04.02.23
KOL/BO/Cont/RT/Truck /2022-23/03 Open Tender for Annual Rate Contract for transportation of goods by Road from Kolkata to Ranchi 12/31/2022 01/30/2023 Open Tender Truck 2022_compressed.pdf
GEM/2023/B/2979035 Laboratory Equipment 01/12/2023 01/23/2023 GEMNITLAB.pdf For any details,notices, corrigendum etc please refer www.gem.gov.in
HEC/PROJ/CC/MADHUBAND/22-2679 Deployment of workforce and vehicle for MW Project Site 12/26/2022 01/17/2023 NIT for deployment of workforce and vehicle for PG test at MW Project.pdf First time Bid extension corrigendum.pdf Corrigendum in NIT for deployment of workforce and vehicle for MW Project.pdf For all details, notices, corrigendum etc , please refer www.etenders.gov.in
GEM/2022/B/2801004 dated 30.11.2022 Liabiity Insurance service- employer's liability and workers compensation 11/30/2022 12/21/2022 GEMNIT.pdf Extension of due date for bid submission.pdf For all details, notices, corrigendum etc , please refer www.gem.gov.in
Tender No: TA/PAR/22-23-301 Dt 21.12.22 Arranging and managing parking of all types of vehicle 12/21/2022 12/21/2022 parking of T 20 match 2023.pdf REV TA Division HQ
GEM/2022/B/2841284 Dated: 10-12-2022 SKIRT BOARD SIDE SEALING SYSTEM FOR CONVEYORS FOR MADHUBAND COAL WASHERY PROJECT 12/10/2022 12/20/2022 GEMNIT(1).pdf For details, extensions, corrigendum etc please refer www.gem.gov.in
FF/CC/Gas Plant/Spilled coal/22-153 Cleaning, collection & transportation of spilled coal and coal dust from horizontal belt in FFP 09/27/2022 12/19/2022 Transportation of spilled coal and coal dust in Gas Plant(1).pdf First Time extn for cleaning and collection of spilled coal-21-10.pdf THIRD EXT SPILLED COAL.pdf TOD is 19.12.22
FF/CC/Gas Plant/Phenoilc water collection/22-152 Cleaning, collection & transportation of Phenolic Water from different points of pipelines in FF 09/27/2022 12/19/2022 Phenolic water collection.pdf First Time extn for cleaning and collection phenolic water- 21-10.pdf THIRD EXT PHENOLIC WATER.pdf TOD is 19.12.22
GEM/2022/B/2841048 dated 12-12-2022 Hiring of one vehicle for site movement at SECL GEVRA Site 12/12/2022 12/15/2022 GeM-NIT Bidding-4114746.pdf For all details, notices, corrigendum etc , please refer www.gem.gov.in
FF/CC/02-Shop/Pkg. Boiler/22- 159 Annual Operation & Productive Online Maintenance of FO Fired Package Boiler (SM-160B) installed 11/17/2022 12/12/2022 AOM PKG Boiler.pdf First Time extn for Annual operation maintenance of pkg boiler installed in 02 SMS FFP.pdf TOD has been extended upto 12.12.22
Tender No: TA/REV/52/2022- 273 Dated: 02.12.2022 Haat Bandobasti in HEC township/Markets 12/02/2022 12/02/2022 Haat Bandobasti tender NIT 2022-23.pdf TA Division HQ
PUR/HMB/22/968541/IS-6370 Dated: 09.11.2022 Procurement of Round 11/07/2022 11/29/2022 NIT6370.pdf
FF/CC/CMG/Formation of foundation/22-149 Formation of foundation and pockets of 3518 & 1063 furnaces of 03-Shop FFP 09/03/2022 11/23/2022 Formation of foundation and pockets of 3518 and 1063 furnaces in 03 Shop FFP.pdf First Time extn for Formation of foundation and pockets in 03 Shop FFP.pdf 3rd time extn- for foundation AND pockets.pdf TOD has been extended upto 23.11.22
HMBP/PROJ(CED)/RSP/40+40/2022-1220 Dated: 01.10.22 Additional work at RSP (40+40 T Crane) Rourkela 10/01/2022 11/14/2022 Tender Enquiry RSP.pdf Corrigendum-1.pdf
PUR/HMB/FI(656)/22-6338 Supply of chevron packing 07/19/2022 11/12/2022 TenderGTEfinal.pdf corrigendum(4).pdf
HMB/PUR/22/TL/184761/062-6367 procurement of throw away carbide inserts 10/06/2022 11/09/2022 NIT(13).pdf TOD extended upto 09/11/2022
PUR/HMB/22/965627/MW-6368 Supply of Geared Motor 10/14/2022 11/05/2022 NIT(14).pdf